April 21, 2019

Random Questions from @eternaldroplets on Twitter

She said, "I have nothing to do so im going to ask some random questions."

I said, "I have nothing to do so I'll answer your random questions here, in my blog."

Here I go~~~

  1. Which one do u prefer: being called funny or being called pretty? Being called funny, one of the goals in my life is being a person who has good sense of humor because my jokes are boring.
  2. What kind of online user makes you roll your eyes? User who always throws opinions on everything without concerns in someone else's feeling, user who creates hoaxes, and user who shares their too private things like how many times they have sex.
  3. Do you think luck exists? I prefer to think that luck is part of destiny.
  4. What's your opinion on coincidence? Coincidence is also part of destiny, humans think it's a coincidence but God already plan it without they know.
  5. What do you think about politics in general? According to Cambridge Dictionary, politic is the relationships within a group or organization that allow particular people to have power over others. Politic is good when it's ruled by good people, and it will be a disaster if it's ruled by monsters who are not having care to others.
  6. Do you usually forget the bad treatment you get or do you usually remember it and prepare some revenge? It depends on how bad the treatment level is. If it's low then I let it go and move on but if it's too high I'll take revenge. I think I have high tolerance about something so I rarely do revenge on others lol.
  7. What's your opinion on GPA? GPA is important but not everything. Students have to have various soft skills too to compete in this kind of world.
  8. Do you have any comfort food or comfort drink? My comfort food is pizza and my comfort drink is hot chocolate.
  9. Are you good at handling failure? I think I'm good enough that's why I'm still alive until now lmao. Thank God.
  10. What do you think makes a conversation can be considered good? If the two people in it don't feel awkward even if there's a silent moment between them.
  11. What makes a writing good? Practice makes perfect.
  12. What's your opinion on fanfiction writers? Their imaginations are beyond mine.
  13. What fashion trend you question the most? "Why women have to be pretty and beautiful in everything but men are enough when they are in tidy clothes?"
  14. Which one do you find more difficult: (1) Opening up, (2) Having close friends, (3) Not talking about urself, or (4) Thinking before acting? Opening up to people whom I'm not comfortable yet.
  15. Mau tau dong pendapat kalian soal penggiringan opini? Nggak suka sama penggiringan opini karena jatuhnya nggak objektif buat orang yang kurang kuat pendiriannya dan kurang tau sebuah permasalahan. Orang yang kurang kuat pendirian dan kurang tau sesuatu lebih baik dikasih fakta dulu aja dan biarkan mereka sendiri yang menentukan pendapat sesuai hati nurani tanpa paksaan. 
  16. What do you think about photography? I love it! But I don't really like when the filter on a photo is too much.
  17. What's your opinion on social media? Social media is just a tool, it can be good or bad depending to its users (re: us).
  18. What kind of influencer can be considered proper and good? He/she can motivate others to be productive in life, not only show off his/her achievements.
  19. Mau nanya dong....kalian lebih tipe yg kyk gmnn: (1) Treat people the way they treat you, (2) Treat everyone nicely so they'll be nice too, (3) Just treat everyone nicely no matter how they treat you? Gabungan antara nomor 1 sama 3 hahaha gimana sih. Yang pasti baik ke semua orang dulu karena orang baik akan diketemukan dengan orang baik. Kalau mereka malah memanfaatkan kita yaudah bye aja cukup tau, mungkin saya akan kelihatan biasa aja tapi dalam hati udah males ngeladenin.
  20. What's your least favorite color? Blue.
  21. What has been keeping you up at night lately? Scrolling my Twitter timeline lol.
  22. What kind of place brings serenity to your mind? Natural places such as forest or beach.
  23. Do you see yourself as courageous, or a scaredy cat? Scaredy cat for sure lmao but I can be courageous when I'm with a person who are more scaredy cat than me.
  24. Do you like changes? As long as it changes to better condition, yes.
  25. With no context, Do you like it sweet, sour, bitter, or salty? Salty.
  26. Do you prefer living on your own or with other people? With other people who have same vision with me.
  27. Have you tried/done something new lately? Yes, I deactivated my instagram account.
  28. Has the presence of somebody given you so much comfort lately? If so, can you mention their name? My family, always. No I can't mention their name here.
  29. Have you been noticing some changes in you? Yes, I can say no to something that I don't like now.
  30. If you can choose an alternate universe now, what kind of person would you be? A wizard in Harry Potter universe, a herbology teacher or a healer in Hogwards to be exact lol.
  31. Have you been hating the weather? Yes, when it has too much rain. I'm sorry God. T_____T
  32. When you feel a little bit lost, what do you usually do to handle it? Take a deep breathe, suggest myself to not panic, remember that everything will be fine in the end, if it isn't fine it's not the end, try again. Repeat.
  33. What do you think about flowers? THEY ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL OMG I WANT TO BE A HERBOLOGYST!!!
  34. At this moment, Are you scared of yourself? No. I'm scared of myself when I'm in madly mad situation because I can be mean and rude to others.
  35. What have you been feeling lately? I'm fine, happy enough, and not sad.
  36. Are you missing somebody? Missing something tbh, I miss my childhood.
  37. What causes loneliness? Yourself. It all depends on yourself. If you are not feeling lonely, you won't feel it even if you are alone. But if you feel lonely all the time, no matter how many people are around you, you will always feel lonely.
  38. Are you more of a 'confrontation is the key' or 'let's just be quiet about it' person? The second type. I don't like confrontation, especially the unnecessary one.
  39. What's your opinion on anonymity in social media? It's alright as long as they are keep silent and not posting stupid comment like hatred or hoaxes. If they want to argue, it's better to reveal who they are. Be a brave person please, don't be a chicken.
  40. Do you have a pet? No, I have plants instead.
  41. What do you think is your strongest trait? I can eat any types of vegetables.
  42. Do you face emotion or do you run away from it? Face it, run from it is just make it worse, thanks Mark Manson and his book 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck'.
  43. Taichan/ayam geprek? Ayam geprek, huhuhu laperrrr.
  44. Do you plan your future or do you live in the now? Both.
  45. Do you remember your first love? Yes, someone from elementary school era.
  46. How do you define first love? I don't know exactly but I try to define, he/she can make you happy just by looking at him/her.
  47. Do you have any topic that you're really interested in but not many people talk about it? Child adoption for a married couple.
  48. Are you scared of being different? Not really, most of the times I like it.
  49. Do you see yourself as someone who's wise? Yes, I think I'm now is wiser than before. Age and life experience mature me. Thank God.
  50. What kind of person are you when you meet someone for the first time? A person who asks many questions lol I'm a kepo type.
  51. Do you like sending letters? No.
  52. Do you find it easy to get close to somebody? Not really, but sometimes I can get so easy to get close to somebody like we are old friends but actually not, we are perfect strangers. It's like a sudden chemistry, like you two never met before but you can click each other in a blink of an eye. I'm sure some people are like this too.
  53. Do you have any question about the universe that you think has never been answered properly? Kenapa di acara wisuda kampus hamba cewek harus ber-makeup dan pakai kebaya sedangkan cowoknya cukup pakai celana kain hitam dan kemeja putih tanpa harus pakai makeup? Ini masih menjadi misteri alam semesta kan?
  54. Do you forget easily or forgive easily? Bukan keduanya.
  55. Do you have anyone whose existence has been making you feel grateful lately? My parents. All the time.
  56. Do you have any post that still blows your mind even after rereading it countless times? No.
  57. Is there any conspiracy that intrigues you? Conspiracy about Avril Lavigne is still alive or not and being replaced by a lady who looks exactly like her.
  58. Have you been running away from something? Running away from being a master of ceremony in every events lol I'm scared of public speaking.
  59. What do you think is the best way to handle hatred? Not giving the stage to people who spread hatred. Just ignore them and concentrate to our own life.
  60. What kind of person are you when you're alone in your room? A book worm and a movie marathon athlete.
  61. Do you have any movie character that makes you think a lot about a certain thing? Jesse and Celine from Before movie trilogy. They make me think that communication is the most important thing in a relationship.
  62. When you're feeling empty, how do you usually handle it? I cry lmao and get better after doing it.
  63. When your mind is hazy, what do you usually do about it? Sleeping, drawing, or wrtiting it out. I don't care about how messy my writing would be, as long as I can get normal again.
  64. What kind of person do you want to be? A rich and happy person. :)))
  65. What kind of house is your dream house? A house that have swimming pool or a dance studio in it. Not should in big size, just enough for doing little exercises.
  66. What weird question gets in your brain this morning? Masih ada gitu ya orang yang pakai sihir hitam untuk menjahati orang yang dia anggap lebih baik hidupnya dari dia tanpa tau perjuangan yang sudah dilewati?
  67. Do you like to distance yourself from people? Sometimes when I need to recharge my energy and when I'm not in the mood to talking.
  68. What music genre is your least favorite? Rock yang berisiknya keterlaluan sampai-sampai nggak paham lirik yang dinyanyikan.
  69. Do you like cheese? I'm okay with it.
  70. What do you think about 'secret admirer'? Secret admirer is okay as long as not be a bad stalker who danger the person they like.


  1. Makasih untuk postingan ini, aku jadi terinspirasi untuk menjawab pertanyaan lewat postingan blog. Biarpun daftar pertanyaannya beda sih, dengan yang di sini.

    Omong-omong, aku baru tahu kalau kamu paling gak suka warna biru. Padahal latar belakang blogku biru. Yah, biru warna kesukaanku, sih.

    1. asik nanti aku mau baca, postingan kayak gini berguna banget untuk menyalurkan keinginan nulis di saat nggak punya ide lagi hehehe selain itu juga tempat curcol tentang suatu topik yang nggak bisa aku tulis panjang-panjang di satu postingan :p

      oh iya kah? wkwkwk, nggak sukanya itu bukan sampai benci sih, lebih ke biasa aja gitu misal kalau lagi milih baju sukanya biru aku jadiin pilihan terakhir


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